Change Drive Letters in Windows XP

It might happen sometimes that it comes in mind to change the letters of the drives on your Windows computer. But is it possible to change the letters after assigning the letters as a name during the installation of windows? Yes it is. Even you can also change the letter of your external drive. External like CD Drives, any storage drives or whatever the data-holder is external to your pc.

Whenever any external device is attached to the computer, window automatically assigns letters to it. Suppose there are four parts C, D, E and F of your computer’s Hard Disk. And if you are now attaching another storage media to your pc, it might assign the name G to it. Same say again now you are attaching any USB Media Storage then it will automatically assigns the letter H to it. No need to assign any names manually by yourself.

Now I am talking about to change the names D, E, F, G and H. Please note here that C can’t be changed as the operating system is installed in it and if you try to change it then the os can become erroneous and you end up in clashing your operating system. So it will not allow to do any modifications in that.

So to modify and put the letters instead of default alphabets mentioned, just simply follow the below mentioned steps:

1)            Right click on the My Computer which you will find on your desktop. Click on the Manage option there.

2)            A box with the name Computer Management will open.

3)            Click Disk Management which you will find under the Computer Management (Local).

4)            You will see your Drives situated on the Right Hand side of the box with their status i.e. capacity and free space.

5)            Now look below, you will see the same Drives in a Horizontal manner. CD one is situated at the bottom of the box.

6)            Right click on any one of the drives for which you want to change the letter name. In the right click select the option ‘Change Drive Letter and Paths’.

7)            A box will open with the same name.

8.)          Click on the ‘Change’ button there. Select the new letter that you want to put to.

9)            Click Ok.

Changing Windows Drive Names

Right Click My Computer


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