Project Managers are the building blocks of some organization. They used to be the most important and busiest persons for some organizations. All the time we will find these persons in solving various problems, in meetings, on computers, in discussions regarding their projects and many other tasks. For them the most important thing that they need is their personal computers with them all the time. As they have to deal with various clients and any time and at any where they may face any kind of task which they have to do immediately like to mail something to prepare some sheet etc and every where they can’t afford their laptops with them so at that time the best thing which proves to be the best friend of job personalities is their smart phone with the help of which they can take any of computer task and at anywhere. Here are some of the android apps which have been purely developed by keeping in mind the need of project managers and by seeing the position of their busy routine.
This is the best email app which has been proved best and efficient for project managers. With the help of this app they can connect to the company’s exchange email server with the help of their smart phones in order to access their daily emails, work schedules company proceedings and various important task which they can’t do outside the office. This app has been considered the best android email app.
Documents to Go

We all are familiar with the fact that Microsoft Office is an important app for all the persons who are on jobs and in business and for project managers this office app is considered like gun for soldier. With this android app users can easily perform any kind of task related to Microsoft Office like to make presentation, reports etc. You can also view and edit your files easily with this app.
This amazing app allows you to take pictures, upload files write text notes so that it would be easy for you to access them in future. Moreover you can also record audio records so that it would be easy to memorize the things for you. The most important thing is that you can connect your phone your PC so that you can get latest updates no matter where you are you will always be connected to your Personal Computer with this app.
Remember The Milk
This app allows you to keep track of your tasks. With this app you can connect your phone to the web based services and you can add items can update them. You will also be able to receive alerts when any change will be made in these items.
This is a digitize world and every document we mostly found in soft form but many exceptional cases may happen in which we are handed over a hard copy of some document. So you can take picture of your hard copy and convert it automatically to PDF with the help of this app.