[How To] Root Verizon Samsung Droid Charge

If you own Verizon Samsung Droid Charge then you must be looking to root this mobile phone. Currently neither SuperOneClick nor z2root is able to root the device. So, many are seriously looking for a good root tool. You can root this smartphone with Gingerbreak. We are providing here the complete guide for this.

Have a look at few more tutorials about rooting new Verizon cell phones and various other Android devices,
* Enable OverScroll Glow on Galaxy S i9000
* Install Android 3.0 on Galaxy Tab

Rooting Verizon Samsung Droid Charge – Instructions

1. Download the zipped file that contains the exploit and other required files from here

2. Extract the contents of the file that you downloaded in above step. You will see the following 3 files in the extract:
* su
* Superuser.apk
* GingerBreak

3. Go to Settings –> Applications –> Development and Enable USB Debugging.

4. Connect your phone to the computer and push the above extracted files to your smartphone by entering the below commands one-by-one

adb push GingerBreak /data/local/
adb push su /data/local/
adb push Superuser.apk /data/local/

5. Enter the command adb shell on the command prompt.

6. The cursor will change to ‘$’

7. Type /data/local/GingerBreak

8. The cursor will display now ‘#’

9. You are having temp root now.

10. Run the below commands

mount -o remount,rw -t rfs /dev/block/stl10 /system
cat /data/local/su > /system/xbin/su
cat /data/local/Superuser.apk > /system/xbin/Superuser.apk
chown 0:0 /system/xbin/su
chmod 6755 /system/xbin/su

11. Your device will reboot now.

12. After reboot, you will have Permanent Root.

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