If you own Coby Kyros MID1125 and are desperately waiting to add Android Market to your smartphone then currently you are at a right place as we are going here to let you know the same. Adding the Market allows you to install apps for android on your mobile. And the good of our method is that there is no need of rooting your tablet and the Market can be installed in the mobile without the need of any rooting.
I know that there must be many tutorials on the internet that helps you in installing the Market on your Android devices but I am not sure that whether those tutorials would work for Coby Kyros MID1125 or not. But the guide that we are providing you here should work for sure. But again, we are not taking any responsibility if it would work for you or not. It worked for us and our mobile is running fine.
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Rooting Coby Kyros MID1125
1. Go to Settings — > Applications — > Development and check the box to enable the debugging mode.
2. Please check your tablet if it has any microSD card in it.
3. If it has microSD card in it then remove it.
4. Attach your tablet with your pc with USB cord.
5. Turn the USB Storage on.
6. You will see that you are being asked to open a window. Precede this as this is your mobile’s internal storage.
7. Download the zip file.
8. You should see 8 files in the zip folder.
9. Drag all 8 files on to your mobile’s root.
10. Turn the Usb storage on your smartphone off.
11. Disconnect the Usb cord.
12. Use any file managing program such as ES File Explorer on your mobile.
13. Open Es File Explorer.
14. On the top-left, you will see ‘/sdcard/’.
15. If you are unable to see ‘/sdcard/’ then clicking the home picture on the top-left will enable you to see ‘/sdcard/’.
16. Scroll down till you see all 8 files that you dragged in Step9.
17. Install those 8 files in such a way that they get listed by selecting each one at a time. Install those apks in below order:
• GoogleBackupTransport
• GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter
• GoogleContactsSyncAdapter
• Google-Feedback
• GooglePartnerSetup
• Google Services Framework
• Talk
• Vending
18. After all the 8 files are installed, reboot your Kyros MID1125.
19. After rebooting, click icon ‘Market’.
20. Sign in with your Google credentials. You can request for new one if you do not have the one.
21. Go to Settings — > Applications — > Development and remove the check to turn enable debugging as off.
22. You should see that your Coby Kyros MID1125 has Android Market installed.
23. You have done your job now :).