Greeting someone is the best technique to show someone your love and care for them. There are various methods to greet like some used to greet with greeting cards some used to give beautiful gifts etc and we mostly use these greeting on events like valentine’s day, birthdays, mother’s day, father’s day etc. We use these greetings method because there are some beautiful relations whom we never want that they must end and we want to show that how much special they are for us. Here are some beautiful android apps for greeting purposes with the help of which you will be able to send your personalized greeting messages and you can add various beautiful greeting styles to your messages.

Holiday Cards
This greeting cards app allows you to design your greeting message by adding different background styles along with your text and send it to your loved ones , family members and friends via various social networking sites like facebook, twitter etc. You can mail it as well via your email. This app contains a great number of background styles according to various occasions like Christmas, Valentines, Birthdays and New Year etc. You can design your greeting message according to your wish and occasion on which you are greeting someone.
Cardz Creator
This is an amazing android app. This app works exactly as its name indicates. With this app you can easily design and customize your 3D greeting card on your smart phone. It contains various customizable tools which contains various lovely things to beautify your greeting cards like cakes, roses, flowers etc and various tools with the help of which you can add beauty to your cards up to how much you want. You will also find the facility in this app that before sending your greeting card you can preview your message and can change your font styles, size and color as well. Then it is your choice that you want to send this greeting card via SMS or an email.
Valentine Video Greets
This beautiful app has been purely developed by keeping in mind the beauty of this special occasion. This app allows you to access various numerous short movies and various greeting cards which you can send to your loving sweet heart. You can download these videos by just installing this app and further more you can add text to your message and can beautify your greeting message with various customizable features and then you can send these messages to your loving personalities via emails.
Nicky Greetings Christmas
This app allows you to make your Christmas cards beautiful as much as u can. This app has various backgrounds which includes beautiful Christmas trees, beautiful angel images and various beautiful things. Furthermore you can also add beauty by adding greeting text of your choice.
Doodle Wish Legacy
This beautiful app doesn’t possess any beautiful background or pictures for your greeting cards as these features are available in other android greeting apps. This app allows you to capture your own pictures with the help of your smart phone camera and add these pictures to your greeting card and with the help of painting feature you can draw beautiful paintings to make your greeting card more beautiful and according to your choice and wish.