God has created this universe so superbly that no difference lies in any single thing in his creation. Yes, this is for sure true that natural beauty we have got is quite decent and tremendous. Everything created by God has got its Anti. I mean to say that if there is a terrorist somewhere; Anti-terrorist is also there and similarly for corruption threads, anti-corruption modules are being set-up. Same sort of methodologies exist in technological parameters because there is a harmful term called Virus and helpful term Antivirus. I have made them both opposite in all cases like harmful and helpful. This is what always being applicable in such scenarios of screening. I am here to provide you with a review of top most Best Anti-Virus Apps for Android data recovery which may help mobile users to save their devices from harmful and killing malwares/spywares. Let us have a quick and cool review of such mentioned applications in a bit of detail.

1. AVG
AVG is a special type of antivirus being ever developed by Android developers for their customers. It is award winning too and scans your devices thoroughly with proper updation. It provides mobile users with easy malware protections.
2. Look out Security
This is specially designed antivirus for Android and Android users feel much relaxed and comfortable using this marvelous application. It not only provides antivirus algorithms to customers but it also provides users with phone backup, recovery, data storage, and much more features.
3. Dr.Web Antivirus
It is the lightest antivirus application for android data recovery free as far as space terms are concerned. I mean to say that it doesn’t consume lot of space but it works smoothly and efficiently. It detects virus by using its algorithms and is splendid in its workings.
4. ESET Security
ESET is considered more reliable than other anti-virus applications and this not only scans for viruses but also provides customizable lists with SMS and MMS functionalities. Mobile users can block any of contacts, messages or unknown calls too by using this multifunctional antivirus application.
5. NetQin
You need to run your device at optimum speed to make best use of this application. You can have browsing with no spyware and malwares. And in addition to this, if you are playing some game or you are downloading it, this superb antivirus would keep updated track of your device.