Import SMS on Android Mobiles from PimBackup CMS files

We are sharing with you here the tool that converts PimBackup CMS files into xml format and then you can use this xml file for “SMS Backup&Restore” Android app available in market. After the conversion is done, you will have all your SMS messages in that xml file. Then you can import them into your mobile phone.

The good thing of this tool is that you do not need to install it anywhere. It’s a standalone program and you can use it by running the exe file directly.

Please note that this is dummy software and in order to work it perfectly, it requires a perfect PimBackup file.

Let’s create a perfect PimBackup file so that you can begin with.

PimBackup – Creat and Convert

Creating PimBackup file
1. Open the Pim Backup on your mobile phone.

2. You will see a drop down list.

3. Select ‘Backup’ from the list.

4. Choose the desired sections. Make sure that you choose ‘Messages’.

5. Press ‘Next’.

6. You will see an option of creating temp memory files. Do not select it if the number of messages is high.

7. You will see an option ‘Binary backup fast’. Do not select it.

8. Press ‘Next’.

9. Continue the wizards.

10. You will see that the process gives you a compressed PIB file in the end.

11. The compressed PIB file can be decompressed with WinZip or 7Zip.

12. Unzip PIB folder or file.

13. Search for ‘*.cms’ extension file.

14. Get it from the compressed archive.

15. So, now you have PimBackup *.cms file.

* Read further for – Rooting MyTouch 3G.

Converting PimBackup CMS files
16. Download the PimbackupDroid exe.

17. Open the executable. It will not install. It is just a stand-alone.

Android Sms Importer from PimBackup

18. You will see there a ‘…’ key.

19. Click on that key and browse for the .cms file.

20. Enter your mobile number for comparison purposes. This field is required for identifying the sender of outgoing SMSes.

21. You can select any 2 dates to convert the messages between two specified dates. This is an optional step.

22. There is one more optional field. You can select Whitelist or Blacklist radio buttons. Please note that both whitelist and blacklist are case-sensitive. It means that ‘ATUL’ and ‘Atul’ both are same. Also note that both these fields use partial input data. It means that if you are selecting ‘Atul’ then ‘AtulB’ will also be affected.

23. Press ‘Convert’.

24. Pressing ‘Convert’ will generate a new SMS xml file for you. It will have the same name as the original one and it will not ask for over-writing.

Importing SMS XML on Android

Now, you have got the sms xml file from Step 24. You can now import it on your Android mobile phone.

25. For this, just install SMS Backup & Restore application.

26. On your mobile’s root storage, create a new directory by the name ‘SMSBackupRestore’.

27. Copy the SMS xml file in this directory.

28. Run the ‘SMS Backup & Restore’ application by pressing Restore key and selecting the xml.

29. After the process is complete, you will either get an error window or a success window.

Please note that if you are trying to restore around 10k messages then you can get errors as some 10,000 messages can be very much for Android operating system.

The PimbackupDroid exe works successfully on Windows 98 / Millennium Edition / 2k / XP / Server 2003 and Vista. It works on both 64 bit and 32 bit versions.

The PimbackupDroid does not support any type of attachments such as pictures and we have not tested it with MMSes yet.


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