Doctors play an important role in our society. They have been given much respect and honor in the society due to their tough work and mostly they are found on duty all the time to face any emergency. They don’t have enough time for their other tasks and other activities. They try to find out the best and less time taking ways in order to perform their duties because any delay in their task or duty may harm some one’s life. So android has developed some apps purely related to medical field and in other ways we can say that purely for doctors so that they may not face difficulty in predicting the disease in a long time.

This is the paid version for the doctors and for this app they have to pay $78 US. This app is beautifully designed and displays complete human anatomy directly on their android phone screens. This app has one disadvantage that it doesn’t offer picture resizing and has three star rated qualities.
There is also another app available which is free and is considered best for medical students. This app is also have five star ratings and has been considered as the best study guide for the medical students.
Medical Calculators
This amazing app is also paid version and you have to pay $5 US in order to use this amazing app. This app is easily available in android market and can be used for various medical calculation purposes like calculations of Body Mass Indexes etc. This app is mostly in use of various medical students in order to calculate various terms related to medical studies.
Lab Tests
This amazing app is also paid one and is having a small amount of $50 US and has five stars but there is not so much popularity of this app as this app is new in android market. This app is having the capability to tell the user about lab reports whether they are normal or not according to the medical rules. There is also another version of this app which is known as lab 360 but this app is not having any best rating in android market.
Clinical Decision Support and Drugs
This app is also the paid app which is having the price of $ 159 US. This app allows user to get the medical decisions according to their diseases and problems and can also get information about the drugs according to the problems indicated medically.