Submitting your articles to various other sites is a great way of building backlinks and traffic to your site. Now-a-days many websites especially related to designing are adding a new section to their blogs where they can show the live feeds of other blogs. You can submit and promote your articles by submitting there.
I have also provided List of 27 social Do-Follow bookmarking sites, where also you can share your articles.
Now, I am sharing 80+ sites where you can add your posts and get traffic for free.
Registration Needed for Submission
- Digg
- Delicious
- DZone
- DesignBump
- Propeller
- Mixx
- Design Float
- Yahoo Buzz!
- Design Related
- Designmoo
- The Web Blend
- Graphic Design Links
- Abduzeedo
- BlogEngage
- Faqpal
- CSS Globe
- DesignDazzling News
- WP Scoop
- Tutable
- Tweako
- Developers Niche
- Inspired News
- Za Box
- Top Roundups
Direct Submissions ( No Registration Needed )
- Inspiration Feed (Located on Sidebar)
- 10 Steps
- Theme Flash
- Graphic Mania
- DesignrFix
- DevSnippets
- Colorburned
- InstantShift
- Web Design Updates
- Design Your Way
- Creative Fan (Located on Sidebar)
- CrazyLeaf Design Blog
- Fav Share
- GoMediaZine
- Psd Fan
- Psdvibe (Located on Sidebar)
- PSD Learning
- MyInkBlog
- SpeckyBoy
- Design M
- TutCandy
- TripWireMagazine
- Fuel Your Creativity
- Knowtebook
- Script and Style
- DesignNewz
- Webdesign News
- Smashing Post
- WPRecipes
- WP Candy
- WordPress Arena
- Area1
- DesignDazzling
- Design Shards
- Web and Designers
- DesignBeep (Located on Sidebar)
- DesignJuices
- DesignUssion
- Artfan Design
- BrushKing
- Sharebrain (Located on Sidebar)
- CssLeak
- PV Mgarage
- VisualSwirl
- DesignArtWall
- Tutorials Palace
- Reencoded (Located on Sidebar)
- Chethstudios
- AnimHut(Located on Sidebar)
- CssReflex
- Web Developer Juice
- Design Jojo
- CSS Drive
- Admixweb
- Whofreelance
- Build Internet
- Creative Urbia