Facebook plays a great role in increasing the traffic of a blog. Some bloggers manually post their each article on Facebook. But, if this may be automatic process then it can save our time and overhead a lot. For this automatic submission of articles on Facebook, Wordbooker plugin comes into picture. Whenever you publish a post, this plugin shares it to your face-book profile instantly, reducing your burden to some extent.
Installation of this plugin is straight-forward and very simple. Just follow the below mentioned steps and you are all done.
* Download and install the plugin and activate it through wordpress panel.
* Go to Settings –> Facebook.
* Click on Facebook icon. It will generate a unique code for your account. Copy that code and paste it into the text box below Facebook icon in your WordPress Dashboard under same Settings –> Wordbooker.
*Click on the icon again. Social Networking Website Facebook will prompt you to allow Wordbook to access your account.
* Click Allow and you are done.
That’s it. Isn’t the process simple 🙂
Update on August 20, 2011:
Now with the inclusion of Google Plus, many people thought that it will dominate the web and the search results and so now there’s no need of posting to face-book. But this is not so. This social networking channel is the most used website as of today also and Google is also respecting its domination over the internet. So, make sure that you do not forget it. Google Plus is also important and I would say the best is to share your articles on both of these sites. This will be best for you and you can get better exposure in the blogosphere.