Whenever we edit and save a post or page in WordPress blog, WordPress creates a revision of that post or page. Say, if we are editing the post 15 times then 14 copies would be saved unnecessarily as revisions in wp database , resulting in MySql overhead. The only current revision is what is in published state and is shown to your users.
The remaining ones are just a replica of what you try to save and are useless. They acquire just your database space. You get the extra useless records inserted in your tables. These records should not be there in the table. Either after some period of time, you need to go to the backend and delete these extra rows from the table or alternatively, you can use any plugin for this that cleans these revisions automatically.
How to optimize WordPress Blog
There’s a plugin database known as WP- Optimize that optimize wordpress tables. WP-optimize can also clean spam comments. I would not say it as a must one but yes useful one, which makes your db in a cleaned state and easy to maintain.
•Download wp-optimize plugin .
•Upload the folder to your wp-content/plugins folder
•Activate the plugin via WordPress dashboard.
•WP optimize is under Dashboard WP-Optimize.
•Select the WP-Optimize menu item under Dashboard dropdown menu
•Select the actions you want to perform
•Click on Process button
You all go 🙂