If you run any website or blog and using Adsense on it then you might always be looking the ways to increase the Adsense revenue. One way is to look for a high paid niche, which most of you can’t change the niche of your website. And this is true as niche can’t be changed just for costly ads. We can only write about that we know and have command on. Also, we can’t deviate away from our business.
The other is that the ads should be placed at the places where they get maximum exposure and you can make more money out of that. If you are just using html pages website with no framework in it, you can easily insert the Adsense code while writing the table tr td tags but what if you are using any CMS like WordPress. You can’t paste the Adsense code in each and every post. The simple way would be just to use an easy Integration plugin for this. There may be many available but the one that I prefer and used is Whydowork Adsense.
As the name implies, it minimizes the headache by allowing you to insert the code where you want. You can declare in the configuration the place where you want the code to be inserted. I would say it an excellent WordPress plug-in for Adsense.
The plugin inserts Adsense code in the article where you want it to. If you want your adsense code to be excluded from some of your articles, you can also do that. Just give the post Id and your that adsense ad will not be shown for that particular post itself. I would say it as best adsense plugin.
WhydoworkAdsense provides you to play with 10 Adsense codes for your blog. That’s enough for the best adsense plugin 🙂 .
Prior to this, I also wrote How to add Adsense code to the Left of Post.
Installation Instructions