Do you own a Windows Phone 7 handset and want it to turn into USB drive then we are going you to show you how to do this.
MarcHoover from xda has successfully achieved this. He has developed a USB Storage Enabler tool that converts your WP7 into USB Storage Device.
The software does some processing with your computer’s registry and turns your phone into USB device.
You can use this hack with any device whether locked or unlocked.
There’s also nothing hard and you need not to run any complex commands in order to do this.
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* WP Bench Benchmarking App
*Pasting Multiple Times
You just need to download the software and run it on your pc as you run other ones.
Just, follow the below simple steps:
1. Login to your computer with Admin rights.
2. Connect your phone to your computer through a USB cable.
3. Download WP7 USB Storage Enabler
4. Run the above tool.
5. You should have Zune installed and to enter USB Storage, you need to close the Zune.
The best thing of this tool is that if you want to disable the USB functionality on your WP7 Smart phone, you can do that too. It means you can enable or disable the USB functionality as per your wish. Thus, the hack is configurable.
The users who have followed the above hack claims to work it on Samsung Omnia 7, HTC Mozart, HTC Arrive, HTC 7 Pro.
Also, some are reporting bugs that this hack shows 2 phone icons and except this, it’s working fine.
Please note that use this at your own risk.
CreditsUltimate Networx and xda
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