If you are looking for an application for restoring your smses on your Android mobile phone then you should read the below post for sure. ‘SMS Backup and Restore‘ can help you in achieving your desired results. It also gives you the feature of making backups on some defined intervals i.e., you can schedule the backups of your smses.
In order to work correctly, the application needs some permission that must be given to it.
1. Storage – delete and modify the data of SD card. It requests and uses android.permission.
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and creates the xml file on your SD card.
2. SMSes – Used for reading and editing SMS and MMS.
Commands are android.permission.WRITE_SMS and android.permission.READ_SMS.
These SMS permissions are required for reading during backups and for writing during restore.
3. Access to Internet – Command used is android.permission.INTERNET. It is needed to gain access to internet so that the app can display its awkward advertising.
4. Vibrator: The application will vibrate your phone when it is done with either of the restore or backup operations. It is an indication so that you know that the processing is complete.
5. Accessing Network State: This permission is required by Google Admob Ads and it checks the network state prior to requesting the ads.
6. Accessing Personal Data: SMS Backup and Restore uses it for displaying the contact list and storing them in the backup file.
7. Reading Identity of Mobile: On some of the mobile phones, an error occurs and in order to fix that error, this is required.
8. android.permission.WAKE_LOCK: This helps your smartphone to go in sleeping or suspended state when the operation (restore/back-up) is going on.
More to see,
Read here for Controlling Android presentations.
SMS Backup Restore features
• You can see the data for which you have taken the backup on your smartphone.
• You can send the file that contains backup data on your any email id.
• The back-ups can be scheduled automatically by SMS Backup and Restore.
• The back-ups are created on your mobile’s SD card in an xml file. If you want, you can further convert this xml to your desired any other format.
• You are also given an option to back-up some selected conversations.
Please note that on some versions of Droid2 and Droid X, the messages are not restored with correct time. It’s a known bug and developer is working on the same.
The Android application is been translated into Russian, German, Italian, Finnish, Polish, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish and French etc. languages.
Android version required us 1.5 or higher