Many of us purchase our products on one of the largest online product selling website eBay. We can do this easily on our computers by logging into the official website of eBay. But what about if you want to purchase anything through your mobile.
If your smartphone runs Android operating system then you can do this easily with the official app that allows you to sell and buy any of the things by signing-in into your account.
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You can surf the website, place a bid. You will enjoy all the web features on your handset. If you are bidding any item and have been outbid by others then you will receive a notification alert at the same time, so that you can place any other higher bid and never miss any chance of winning that item.
If you are selling something or are a serious seller on ebay then you can manage and provide your customer service to your customers easily with just few clicks.

Whether you are a seller or purchaser, you will feel as you are trading through web interface and will not suffer any losses due to using Mobile User Interface screen. The app takes the full efforts to achieve this functionality and ease of use.
eBay Android App Features
• Search any product
• Watch the amount of any searched thing.
• Place bids
• Shop
• Make payments via your Paypal account. The feature works only for United Kingdom, Canada, America and Australia.
• Viewing the seller’s feedback and rating done by others.
• Viewing sellers all items.
• You can list or revise any thing. Please make sure that this feature is currently available only in United Kingdom and United States of America. But the company promises to make it world-wide soon.
• If you bid any item then you will be receiving alerts when you are outbid. You will also get alerts for the items that you are watching.
• Leaving feedback on any item.
• Storing and saving useful searches.
• Scanning Barcodes.
Download eBay Android App
You can download the official app from here {eBay Market Link}