How To change Dynamic Title of Feedburner

When feeds from feedburner are sent to your blogs subscribers, the subject always go as your blogs name. So unless and until the subscriber isn’t going to open the mail, he is unaware of what todays feed consist of. Apart from this, its obvious that many-a-times he doesn’t go into the details of that mail and thus, leaving unread mail or delete that mail.

The interaction of subscribers with your feed can increase if he daily gets new subjects – possibly, if the title of the post.

To do this, follow the below procedure:

Login to your feedburner account at

Go in Publicize tab.

Click Email Subscriptions –> Email Branding

Change the information as per below:

Email Subject/Title:     ${latestItemTitle}

Select checkbox of Change Subject when an email has 2 or more items

And, fill in the text box:   ${latestItemTitle} plus ${m} more

You can also optionally fill other fields. They are just for designing purpose. You can leave them default.

Click on Save

In this way, if you are posting 3-4 posts per day,
Then your feed title would look as

Your First Post Title + 3 more

And if you are posting single post
Then your feed Title would look as

Your Post Title

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