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Today, I changed my blog’s theme to DailyEdition Woo Themes. I won this theme in a contest organized by smashinggeeks. Thanks to smashing Geeks.
DailyEdition is a premium wordpress theme. Premium Themes have always been an advantage over free themes as premium ones do provide extra features whether it may be related to user Interactivity or SEO. Prior to this, mine blog was on Prosense theme. Prosense theme is a nice, simple and Adsense-optimized theme. But again, I know it can’t compete Premium themes like to DailyEdition Woo Theme. Again, I was on a serious need for a 2-column wordpress theme. DailyEdition Woo Theme completed my search. Thanks to Woo Themes.
Update June 15, 2011
I have learnt that whether any template is free or paid but it needs to be optimized as per the requirements. This DE is good by default but it also needs some customizations. I have changed the css, design and php code as per my requirement and needs. Prior to changes, many users complained me that it is not suiting my blogs’ niche. But the good is that Woo Framework is easy to customize. It provides you the options to easily configure the options as you want. It is that it needs the optimization to be done but then can be done easily by using this framework.
I am happy with my current theme. If you want to purchase it, Download Woo Here