Easiest Way to Increase Alexa Rank

Alexa Ranking keeps an important place for every website. Here is easy way for any site to boost its Alexa Ranking. Alexa ranks the sites based on the daily pageviews i.e., how many visitors/visits your website is receiving. Also, ranking done by alexa is updated every 24 hours. If your blog has good alexa rank, it can help you in getting a good repo in web-world. I also wrote this in Alexa Rank or Google Page Rank.

The easiest way for you to boost your site’s alexa rank is just to install Alexa Toolbar in your browser. When you open your site in any alexa-installed browser, alexa counts it as a one special hit to your site. So just go and install the alexa toolbar in your Internet Explorer and get some love from Alexa.

You should also paste its widget on your blog so that whenever your blog is loaded, the widget is loaded and the web company knows that someone is opening your website. The company counts it as a separate hit and it knows one visitor is visiting your site.

This widget code proves useful for those who do not have the toolbar installed on their systems. For them, the only way to hit the Alexa’s servers with your blog is the installed code-widget. Because if you don’t have this on your site then non-toolbar users would not be able to help you much in increasing the ranking.

So, I would suggest you to have both. The toolbar should be on your system and the widget code should be in the sidebar or at the bottom of the blog. Please make sure that if you install the code just on homepage or on any 1 page then the code would get 1 hit only when that page refreshes. So, it’s best to have it on the sidebar or in the footer on every page and post.

Note: As of now, Alexa Toolbar from Alexa site can only be configured on Microsoft’s Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox and not on any other browser.

Download Alexa Toolbar


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