Author: Samad Aslam Khan

Android Golf Apps

Golfers get better using Android Phone Apps

Golf game seems to be the toughest game among all the categories. Golf players need special skills and tactics to play this game. Along with the strength this game also needs mental string health to think about the techniques that how to shot the ball according to the distance etc. […]

Android Keyboard Apps

Let Us Have a Discussion Regarding Android Keyboards

Everything created by God has some significance for sure. Nothing is complete without its pre-requisites. By Pre-requisites I mean that one needs to fill all previous goals to achieve future best results. Suppose, you purchase a new CPU. Can you run this CPU without monitor, keyboard, mouse etc? Certainly not. […]

Android Bluetooth Apps

5 Best Bluetooth Apps for Android

Bluetooth is only wireless media which has impressed and attracted mobile users too much towards wireless technology and advancements. There are lots of applications being developed for mobile users especially for Android users who can make best use of them anytime they wish. They may find something unique and new […]


Productivity Uplift by Android Applications

The word productivity is different in meaning with respect to each person. Some people call it a proper tracking of regular bills and few call it taking of notes. In my opinion, productivity applications are those useful applications which let you produce something good and you can have desired outcomes […]

Kids Apps

Android Apps for Kids

Kids are the sensitive and innocent flowers of the society.  They need funny and attractive things for their playing and enjoyment. They mostly used to play indoor games on computers, play stations etc. As we know that these days there is a revolution of android phones and every person is […]


Android Apps | Amazon Kindle and BullGuard Antivirus

Amazon is best known for e-books and it provides users with best books stored I its database. When Amazon published application known as Kindle e-book reader, it successfully managed to transform all of relevant information to publishing industry. After that, company successfully delivered a version of its e-book reader for […]


Reviews of Three Android Apps

Ringdroid Review This is an awesome application being used by Android users especially for the purpose of tones creation, alarms creation, and providing notifications using lot of formats and files like MP3, WAV, AAC/MP4, and 3GPP/AMR etc. These files may be stored into your personal phone or you may download […]

Android Photography Apps

Top Free Android Apps for Photographers

Photography is an art and person who used to deal with this art is known as photographer. This art is not an easy as it seems. It needs much creativity and in order to excel in this art a person must be intelligent and creative as well. In older days […]

SPB Shell 3D

How Would You Rank HeyZap and SPB Shell 3D of Android

Social applications like facebook, orkut, twitter etc have influenced users too much and approx million of users interact among themselves using these networks. I must add that these social networking applications have caused a great flood to IT market for sure. Now, it’s much acceptable that these networks are being […]

Viddle Social Camera

Android is IN Now with Positive Reviews

TuneWiki If you are fond of Music-related stuff, you must deploy this precious application for sure. You can discover new music from latest tracks easily if you have deployed successfully this application. You just need to put up some effort and you are done. Time is the only precious thing […]